Saturday, March 3, 2012

Will both odious sides finally do their jobs or wait for deus ex machina?

Debt ceiling and debt reduction legiskation.Will both odious sides finally do their jobs or wait for deus ex machina?
"Odious" no less?

There are some who are quite willing to let God sort it out, or await rescue from some unknown source, but those are in a very vocal and vociferous minority that has managed, once, to paralyze the nation. It is unlikely that they will ever be in a similar position in the next century or so; however, the damage they do now could well be permanent.

And the only Deus ex machina available is the Executive looking at the Constitution and saying that the debt cannot be questioned, and default is unacceptable and overrides Federal Law (which the Constitution does), and then deciding either to raise the debt limit unilaterally or to cut programs which Congress has appropriated. I don't think handing that kind of Carte Blanche to any President is a good idea.Will both odious sides finally do their jobs or wait for deus ex machina?
The Republicans are not being reasonable. That means that the deus ex machina may have to be in the form of a reasonable interpretation of the 14th Amendment.Will both odious sides finally do their jobs or wait for deus ex machina?
It takes two sides to negotiate if one side won't or can't give on issues then it is an impasse so no deal will be reached. As the cliff looms near the driver has fallen asleep at the wheel and will only wake up on the way down.
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