Friday, March 9, 2012

Meaning of life/ give me a deus ex machina?

So, since high school, I haven't understood the universe. And lately, this is all I can think about. Why do we play by society's rules, why are most content to sit idly by and watch as rich, self-serving people dominate the world? Why am I forced to live or die by this enormous mass of spaghetti strings and puppets puppeting each other? Just because I was born? Why am I forced to be a peasant working? Why are people content to work and suffer without doing anything about it?

But ultimately, I need a god out of the machine to explain to me what I'm here for. I feel like I've thought so far out of the box that I can never be content with earthly desires...****. This probably makes no sense but that's all there is in my brain: lot of ideas, very little connections.

I'm not sure what I'm asking here, maybe you are.Meaning of life/ give me a deus ex machina?
You're searching for meaning in what seems to be a meaningless universe. The Absurdist viewpoint would be that your options are either suicide, get religion, or accept the absurd nature of existence and continue to live. There are other ways of thinking about it of course.

I chose to become an atheist simply because I was tired of questioning. I suspect many people convert to religions for the same reason. It sounds silly, but you'd be surprised how easy it is to just pick an answer and go with it.
If you aren't content with the world and being a working peasant do something about. Go and make some changes. Wake up those that sit idly.

If you can't content yourself with the earthly seek out the heavenly.

I think you should read the book of Ecclesiastes. Its short and contains themes similar to what to have expounded on.Meaning of life/ give me a deus ex machina?
think Disco . . . . .
You're looking for a reason for why all this exists.

There isn't any. It just is.

You roll the dice. Why do any of those dice fall on any given number? Because it had to fall on SOMETHING.

Same with the universe. We're here. This we know, even if we don't really know or understand where "here" is. We have physicists and astronomers and other really smart people trying to figure it out. Maybe they will, maybe they never will. Unless you're planning on being one of those people, there's no point in asking why the universe is the way it is, because there's nothing you can do about it anyway.

Why do you have to accept all this? Because it's all there is. There is nothing else to do. You can live or die. If you choose to live, you have to accept this universe, this society, this reality, because it's all you have. Wishing it was different, or better, is a waste of time and energy. If you want it to be different, or better, you have to act, not just sit there and complain that everything isn't to your liking.

You asked why people are content to work and suffer without doing anything about it? I have NEVER met anyone who is perfectly content. Everyone wants a better life. You're not alone in that. But people do something about it every day. They get up, they go to work, and they try to improve their circumstances and the circumstances of those they love. Even millionaires buy lottery tickets.

It's quite possible you don't get any of this. That's okay too. Everybody has to figure out what the meaning of THEIR life is. YOU have to invent your own machine.Meaning of life/ give me a deus ex machina?
One must create desiderata to satisfy ones desires.

That is the object - One must have total freedom to do so. The do not come from the earth. It is decadent to think that there is truth and real value within life that is not dependent upon our agreeing to that. It undermines our free will.

Our free will is never absolute but as I have stated one must 'invent' desiderata. That is also the existentialist way of dealing with life - forming attachments, creating value.

It is nihilistic to say that there is no value and worth within life. That is a good sign, it means that we are now forced to create that value. Logically if one states there 'is no true value', there is no 'real good' in life, one must have something to understand what is true by comparison. A point from which one draws that (nihilistic) conclusion. One needs that measure by which such opinion is formed.

In life there is time and space. There is no value to time and space. Their absolute annihilation has value, it indeed has worth.

How dare time and space proceed their way in such an insolent manner? They do so only through my consent. They suffer the punishment of obliteration - Through freedom. Through truth and value that I dictate absolutely.

Does life have value? It has whatever value I choose to decern - It is utterly irrelevant, futile, insignificant and petty. It is totally alien to me. It is nothing like me and I recent any similarities being drawn between myself and life.

I am not living my life - it is a pest and an annoyance. A bane, something which is equivalent to nothing. I am not that. I am the sole condition on which this fabrication, this lie, this farce, this 'life', this 'existence' is founded. Without me - it is nothing. Life is a parasite which feeds on the soul of every true man.

In lucid dreams; I am the dream and I am the dreamer.
Just go outside, get your nose out books for a while and stop thinking about why... Go out in Nature and FEEL.. that is the only truth there is. Money controls us, school controls us, work controls us, governments control us.. but nothing controls Nature.. and we are as much a part of Nature as anything else. Mankind can try to beat Nature down, harm it, try to control it.. but all for naught. Nature ADAPTS, under pressure Nature thrives... and before Nature all society, and government and money is meaningless, futile, and ultimately impermanent.

Change is the only constant, suffering is the spice of life, and Nature is the force of simple truth that sets us free.. It is clean and pure and visceral and we can go back to it any time we choose... to escape the drudgery of society one needs only step out into the woods.

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