Friday, March 9, 2012

What is "Deus ex Machina"?

It's a progressive rock band from Italy. Check them out.…What is "Deus ex Machina"?
In Greek drama Deus ex Machina was a way to tie up a play. Everything would be going to hell in a hand basket and suddenly a god would interfere and tie everything up. Today it refers to a sudden event that does the same thing. Its a cheesy devise and not looked upon kindly by critics.
God out of the machine. Refers to something that happens in a play or movie where you think the main character has no hope in the end, but something comes up to solve the situation at the last second.What is "Deus ex Machina"?
Literally, "The machinery of God". Meaning an event that saves the day but does so with all the force of a miracle.

Considered a cop-out with suspense writers.
in ancient greek plays when an incompetent playwright had got his characters into so hopeless a mess that there was no way they would ever get out of it, a favourite technique was to let an actor playing zeus (the father of the gods) down onto the stage on wires (the 'machine': an early form of theatrical crane) and have him say: 'hang on a minute: i will sort it all out for you'.

so 'deus ex machina' (god from the machine) came to mean any ridiculous made-up story to explain something that could not be explained any other way.

in several of anne rice' vampire novels absolutely ridiculous things happen. then at the end of the novel we are told that 'it all happened in a dream'. this is a literary deus ex machina.

the bible says that outer space is full of water (genesis 1, 6-10). christians explain that it used to be full of water, but this all fell as rain during noah's flood. this is a religious deus ex machina.

president bush invaded iraq (illegally) because the country had weapons of mass destruction ready to destroy major american cities. no trace of these weapons has ever been found. so they must have been really well hidden. this is a political deus ex machina.What is "Deus ex Machina"?
It means "God Out of A Machine". It's a fictional invention of a super-being that can unravel, explain a plot or solve a mystery. It's a Latin phrase but has its origins in Greek theatre where a "mechane" (crane) was used to lower actors representing a God on to the stage.
In writing it is an easy way out for the author to solve problems with the plot. Usually a new character introduced to tie characters and events together that don't really fit.

Hope that helps.
Its literally translation is a pair of machines, referred to the machines of evil and good, struggling for supremacy in the universe, where only the love of Jesus Christ can redeem us all from a fiery death.

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