Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Can someone explain what 'Deus ex machina' means????

NOT literally, I know Deus is god and machina, well, machine. But what does the phrase mean at all?Can someone explain what 'Deus ex machina' means????
"Deus ex machina" is a literary term used when the plot ends "too easily", like when a character is in a bind with too many problems, and suddenly a divine being ("Deus" - God!) comes along and solves everything with little to no effort from the character himself.Can someone explain what 'Deus ex machina' means????
Deus ex machina is a Latin phrase that is used to describe an unexpected, artificial, or improbable character, device, or event introduced suddenly in a work of fiction or drama to resolve a situation or untangle a plot (e.g., having the protagonist wake up and realize it was all a dream, or an angel suddenly appearing to solve problems). The phrase has been extended to refer to any resolution to a story which does not pay due regard to the story's internal logic and is so unlikely that it challenges suspension of disbelief, allowing the author to conclude the story with an unlikely, though more palatable, ending. In modern terms the deus ex machina has also come to describe a being, object or event that suddenly appears and solves a seemingly insoluble difficulty (e. g. the cavalry arriving). A classic example of this type of deus ex machina is Homer's Odyssey; a more contemporary example is Michael Crichton's The Andromeda Strain. The device is a type of twist ending.

The notion of deus ex machina can also be applied to a revelation within a story that a seemingly unrelated sequence of events are joined together by some profound concept. Thus the unexpected and timely intervention is aimed at the meaning of the story rather than a physical event in the plot. This may more accurately be described as a plot twist.Can someone explain what 'Deus ex machina' means????
God in the works...that is, the reason for some change in the story is an outside force, not something the characters did.
its a literary term, like an unexpected, or improbable character, that is suddenly introduced in a work of fiction or drama to resolve a situation or untangle a plot. sorta like a hero i guess.

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