Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Deus ex Machina?

Okay, so here's the thing: in my story I have a character who sacrifices herself to save her goddess.

Would you call it deus ex machina if, in the epilogue, the goddess resurrected the character as a thank you?

What d'ya think?Deus ex Machina?
No that wouldn't really be Deus ex Machina. It would be Deus ex Machina if the Goddess removed the character from harm's way. If the character returned from the dead, it would be more like an afternoon soap opera. They do that all the time. Pax-CDeus ex Machina?
Yes, because that fits the current dictionary definition: The goddess "provides a solution (however contrived) to an otherwise insurmountable problem." I consider myself an authority, being a professional fiction writer, author of "Deus ex Machina; Logos", and having studied English Literature in a University setting, for four years.Deus ex Machina?
No. If the character sacrifices himself, and you have already shown the goddess to have amazing powers, then it has sufficient background to prevent it from being a deus ex machina.

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