Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Can you please give me examples of Deus Ex Machina?

I'm trying to explain what Deus Ex Machina is to my friend and she doesn't get it... I'm not exactly the best lecturer either. I gave her a few examples on plays we tackled in school but she just got more confused about it. I gave her the example of an anime I watched where a guy turned into a girl when splashed with cold water but turned back to normal with hot water again and how when he has to turn into a woman or a guy for a certain reason he suddenly finds a river or a kettle and small stove to heat it. Whatever, anything simpler?Can you please give me examples of Deus Ex Machina?
Deus Ex Machina is a plot device in which a problem which was previously impossible is suddenly solved by the arrival of a new ability or character or object. Ranma's sudden switches between genders is not a good example...

here's one: Lord of the Flies. Story begins with bunch of boys stranded on an island. Boys select a leader [Ralph], who imposes rules and responsibilities for order, rescue and survival. As the story goes on, a faction of the boys called the Hunters [led by Jack] become more primitive, violent and animalistic. They abandon their responsibilities and lose a rescue oppurtunity in order to catch and kill a pig, and then band together to rip Simon to pieces. By the end of the story, Ralph's faction has either been killed, defected, or been captured. Jack's faction leads a manhunt for Ralph, during which the entire island is torched. Just as Jack catches up to Ralph in this hellfire scene, rescuers suddenly land on the island, the fight stops and the boys are taken home.

The Deus Ex Machina part is the fact that some completely outsideCan you please give me examples of Deus Ex Machina?
Try to avoid examples, just explain that it is basically a point in a plot where a seemingly impossible problem is suddenly solved by the miraculous intervention of a character, event or object that has appeared from nowhere.Can you please give me examples of Deus Ex Machina?

If you haven't seen tvtropes.org before, kiss goodbye to the rest of your day...

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