Saturday, March 3, 2012

Deus Ex Machina LOFT?

How does deus ex machina relate to the lord of the flies?

give many examples

10 pointsDeus Ex Machina LOFT?
Here's a definition of deus ex machina from American Heritage Dictionary that might help you figure it out:

"1. In Greek and Roman drama, a god lowered by stage machinery to resolve a plot or extricate the protagonist from a difficult situation."

This is exactly what happens in Lord of the Flies--think about it.

--BrackDeus Ex Machina LOFT?
It means "The God Machine" in Latin.Deus Ex Machina LOFT?
First, you need to understand what is meant by Deus ex-Machina, which means "god intervenes by machine". This term comes from greek plays where the writer uses divine intervention to resolve all the problems of the play.

Next you need to read Lord of the Flies. If you keep these ideas in mind, you might actually find something to write about.

What, did you think I would doyour homework for you. I've already read lord of the flies and didn't even need a teacher to ask me.

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