Tuesday, March 6, 2012

In the Lost episode, Deus Ex Machina, what happens?

Specifically, what happens when John Locke wakes up in the hospital and his father is gone? What did his father do to him exactly? And Why?In the Lost episode, Deus Ex Machina, what happens?
He gave his father his kidney or something, because his dad needed it.

And what happened basically was his dad sucked up to him and told him how glad he was he had a son and stuff, took locke's kidney or whatever, and deserted him.In the Lost episode, Deus Ex Machina, what happens?
his father stole his kidney, because he needed one.

He made Locke think he was going to be a good old father and they would live happily every after, but he was only tricking him out of a kidney.In the Lost episode, Deus Ex Machina, what happens?
His father acted like he loved him. Did a bunch of stuff with him. He told John he needed a kidney. John did the transplant and his father left right after.
ITS OVER 9000!

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