Saturday, March 3, 2012

Deus Ex Machina in Illiad?

Can anyone state a Deus ex machina used by homer in the odyssey or iliad? Was the movie accurate in deus ex machina when Hector kills patroclus when Achilles was a bout to leave, in effect, Achilles changing his mind and attacking Troy?Deus Ex Machina in Illiad?
"Deus ex Machina" means "God from (or out of) the machine". It initially referred to the appearance of divine figures in classical Greek and Latin stories. So every time a god or goddess shows up and does something beneficial for one of the characters, that's Deus ex Machina in the true, old-fashioned sense.Deus Ex Machina in Illiad?
Keep in mind what a DEM is--literally a God hoisted down and sorting out a problem to end a story.(At least one of the Greek playwrites did this.) To answer your question, distinguish between action that occurs naturally and action that abruptly changes because of a gimicky device thrown into the plot.

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